February 16, 2025

The Sounds And Visions Of The Icelandic Spring

I can write about the springtime forever. It is such a great affirmation of the endless circle of life. The hills and slopes are full of life at the moment. It is good for the soul to walk out in the spring, breathe it into your lungs and experience the sounds and visions of the year’s most energetic time.

What touches me the most today are the sounds of spring. The sounds in the streams as the snowdrifts of winter melt in the sun on the mountain slopes. The song of the migratory birds when they are settling in the slopes, marshes and meadows and singing their most beautiful poems to charm love. The clicking sounds in the pebbles as they release from the snowdrifts on the slopes and slide a few meters.

Soon the slopes start to turn green and the birds divert people from the nests and it is possible to walk easily on the slopes without landing in a swamp or snowdrift. This is as good as it gets. The world is perfect.

Here is a video clip with sound and vision of Icelandic spring.