March 4, 2025

Statistics is a great tool to examine how communities are formed and their main characteristics. Iceland in Focus has a great love for statistics so let’s look at some fun ones about Iceland.

According to Iceland in Figures 2018, the population was 348,450 at the beginning of 2018 and 356,991 at the beginning of this year. Our population has  increased by 8,541 or 2.45%. In 1703 we were only 50,358, in 1900 77,967 and 279,049 in 2000. Since 1703 the population in Iceland has multiplied seven times.

63% of the population lives in the Greater Reykjavik area. The most common male name in Iceland is Jón (John) and next is Sigurður (Sigurdur). The most common female name is Guðrún (Gudrun) and next is Anna (Anne).

Icelandic men can expect to be an average of 80.4 years old and women will beat men and can reach 84.1 years.

This information and a lot more can be found in Iceland in Figures.