February 16, 2025

Icelandic Water Is Clean, Fresh, Free And Plentiful

The water in Iceland is special. No matter where I have been in many parts of the world, I have never found water that is equal to Icelandic water.

Maybe the water you grew up with is the best, but I still think the Icelandic water is unique. Water is my favorite drink. I drink at least two liters of water a day. I usually drink water with all my food, although I sometimes break the habit. All the water I drink is straight from the tap.

The water I drink comes from a watercourse deep into a mountain where it has seeped through the rock for a long time. The rock acts as a filter so that the water is as clean as it can get. In some places water is drilled and in other places there are natural springs from where the water is taken, such as Gvendarbrunnar, which is a spring for the inhabitants of Reykjavík.

Icelanders are proud to be able to tell tourists that they can drink water straight from the tap without fear anywhere in the country without paying for it. It is therefore important to bring a good water bottle with you when you visit Iceland. You can always refill it for free anywhere. If you are in a busy area like in Jökulfirðir in the Westfjords where the picture is taken, you can always fill the bottle in the next river and quench your thirst with fresh, cold and clean Icelandic rock water.
This is what I call quality of life.