March 3, 2025

Slow Walking in Sunshine and Light Snow With a Company

Yesterday was a beautiful day. After the weekend’s storm, which was much smaller than expected, a beautiful calm came over the fjord and a thin layer of snow covered the mountains and valleys. In an instant, the whole environment had a new look.

First snow of winter in the Westfjords
First snow of winter in the Westfjords

Fortunately, other sections of the country had much less of the storm that was predicted for last weekend. People had received numerous warnings about what might occur, and actions had been taken nationwide. Fortunately, only a small portion of these precautions were tested. Several northern locations experienced power outages, and several rural areas sustained damage. But in the grand scheme of things, nothing went horribly wrong, and nobody was wounded.

When meteorologists forecast the worst possible weather, I really like it. It is preferable to be ready for the worst than to be caught off guard. It’s not a good feeling when the weather is far worse than forecasters had anticipated. I really hope the weather this weekend doesn’t deter our fantastic meteorologists from foreseeing the worst. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

When the autumnal hues blend with the first snowfall of winter, it is insanely beautiful. The most beautiful aspects of both are highlighted by the whiteness of the slopes and the autumnal hues of the flora.

Walking with A Company
Walking with A Company

During my slow walk yesterday, enjoying the bright weather and the sunshine, an older man passed me and we started talking. He is ninety, walks with two canes and is brought back to Ísafjörður after more than 40 years of absence to enjoy his old age in the place where he grew up. It was a beautiful moment.