February 16, 2025

Iceland and Tenerife and the Long Way Home

While the islands of Iceland and Tenerife are far apart, they are both popular vacation spots located in the Atlantic Ocean.

What the south of Tenerife and Iceland have in common goes beyond just breathtaking sunsets. Plus, unlike in Iceland, Tenerife’s spectacular sunsets may be enjoyed all year round. Even though the sun sets about midnight in the middle of a brilliant Icelandic summer night, it rises again only a few minutes later, and this phenomenon gives the country’s summer sunsets a unique beauty.

Summer Sunset in Isafjordur Bay
Summer Sunset in Isafjordur Bay

A good chunk of my Advent was spent basking in the warm rays of the sun and enjoying the balmy temperatures of Tenerife’s summer. I’m flying home in a big plane right now, where I’m writing these words. When bad weather hit as a storm moved over the southwest and southern parts of Iceland, the solution was a wide-body aircraft. With today being the shortest day of the year, the new year and longer days are just around the corner.

Beautiful Tenerife is a must-see. Even though we have had a wide range of weather samples, including heavy downpours and gale-force winds, the current mild spell is truly remarkable. But it lasted only a little while and the weather was fine most of the days.

Many times I reflected on how fortunate I was to be able to get away from the frigid weather back at home and bask in the sun. My dark cheeks are looking forward to the chill of winter now that I can’t wait to get home.

After a long day of travel, we arrived at the airport in the middle of the night to find it was freezing outside and that our car was coated in snow. In the end, hours later, kind people and powerful labor machines were able to set it free. We arrived at our home in time for Christmas.

There is no place like home, in my opinion or anyone else’s. Outside is cold and a little bit of snow falling just like Christmas in Iceland should be. Christmas is arriving in all its glittering splendor, and I am inhaling the smoky aroma of holiday cooking including the special Christmas desert that my wife makes and is absolutely delicious 🙂