February 22, 2025

Heading for Better Times

At this moment there is bad weather in the North-East of Iceland. All countries are waiting for Covid-19 vaccine and the US capitol was invaded. It looks like 2021 is starting with a bang.

The difference now is probably we are experiencing  temporary situations. The vaccine will arrive sooner than later. After a few days a new president will be inaugurated in the US. The world is heading for better times thanks to human invention and democracy.

However, there is one thing the world cannot change this year. It’s the weather. We cannot predict the next storm or the direction of the temperature. What we know is weather will probably be more extreme if global warming continues.

A world that can create vaccines within a year to fight dangerous viruses is a world that can fight global warming. With vaccinations and a new president in the US the world can hopefully focus again on the things that  make the earth better for next generations. Climate change is a bigger disaster than Covid-19.