March 29, 2025

A Formal Request For The Icelandic Spring

Once again, the days are cooling down after a few days of warmth and rain and it is blowing from the north giving you a feeling of tiny needles on your cheeks. Summer is not here, let alone spring. It’s been a long winter and I’m half tired of it. I’m starting to look forward to spring with a few degrees of heat and the aroma of spring, which is so irresistible.

Still, it’s amazing that I’m complaining about the winter. Here in Iceland, you have everything and live a life of security. People are thinking a lot about the Ukrainians these days and everything they have to go through. The safety net of Icelanders is strong. We are a peaceful nation and we live in peace. The health care system is strong and I speak from personal experience, although there is always room for improvement. Then gratitude comes to mind. Gratitude for the peace in Iceland and the good and safe life we ​​live on a small island in the North Atlantic.

Back to the weather, which is what Icelanders usually talk about the most and I am no exception. The Icelandic climate is governed by the highs and lows of the Atlantic Ocean. Unlike in Europe, there is little stability in the weather in Iceland. This can be clearly seen in photographs taken around the country and often show lively clouds. It can be said that the clouds over Iceland are one part of the landscape and the part that makes it ever-changing.

On the photo with this post, which was taken earlier today, you can see clouds that are part of the landscape. In an instant the clouds are partly swept away and the blue sky is revealed and the sun is shining. At the same time, the icy north wind blows along the fjord and the swell piles on the seafront and the snow in the mountains remind one that winter is still in Iceland and spring and summer do not come until 21 April. I will therefore formally request that spring come a little earlier. I’m ready for that.